For principle-centered and heart-centered networkers
who are READY to grow their businesses without sacrificing their values:

“Are you ready for a SOLID, step-by-step
LAUNCH STRATEGY to gain more visibility, attract more leads and achieve rank in 2014
(without sacrificing your family)?

Keep reading to discover a proven, non-hypey way to stand out and attract the right business partners to work with you - so you can achieve your goals with more grace and ease…

Dear friend,

Just 7 years ago I was working hard to build a business so I could have the flexibility of being home with my boys. I built a very successful network marketing business as a National Vice President with thousands of members on my team. I was training others to become Vice Presidents and to become successful in their own right.

I had earned the executive awards for top performance in my company.  I had earned the free vacations and the luxury car.

"Everything on the outside looked perfect."

"But on the inside, I was completely worn out."

I was ALWAYS on the phone. Every breathing minute I was thinking about my business. I loved what I was doing, I loved my team, but I was “always on.”

One day, I came to a complete breaking point. My three year old had woken up from his nap when I was in the middle of a three-way phone call with a team member and a successful corporate female executive who was looking at joining our team.

I thought to myself, “She can’t hear my crying son. That would be totally unprofessional. And if I get off the phone right now, we may lose her.”

So I went out on the front porch and closed the door on my crying three year old to complete the three-way call.

I later regretted that decision and judged myself for what I was willing to do to hit my goals. It wasn't much later that I had a miscarriage that totally connected me with my heart, and the preciousness of life.  It was a total wake-up call.

I looked around at exactly what I was creating. I was successful financially, but at what costs?

“I got sucked into the race of always going bigger, going harder, that I found myself justifying my complete consumption with my goals, and sacrificing the very things that were my WHY for starting my business in the first place.”

Exactly what was I trying to prove or “secure?” The answer all around me seemed to say, “One day, when you ACHIEVE ‘this’ then you will have arrived.”

Well, there I was at the top, and the race had not ended. There was underlying fear that it could all go away.

I knew something had to change.

“I needed to know if it were possible to achieve the goals and success that I wanted without having to STRIVE all the time.”

I knew I was no longer willing to compromise my soul for success. I was no longer willing to compromise my health, my children or my marriage. So I made a decision and created a new way to do business. A new way to do life.

I looked at what worked well and what needed to change. I got support from a coach and a group where I could be real and honest about my challenges.

I created a way to work smarter, not harder. I measured everything by ROI (Return on Investment) of my Time, Energy and Effort and started thinking more strategically about my business and my brand.

With my new strategies, I built to the top again, and proved to myself that I could be successful without sacrificing what was most important.

Since then, I have left actively building in the field to help elevate the industry as a whole as a business coach, consultant and speaker in the industry (and beyond). My passion is to teach the principles that have worked for me and my clients. And that is how Profit With Honor was created.


The Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula
is designed based on the strategies that worked. To help you rise to the top ranks without losing your friends, your family or your soul.

Wouldn’t it be nice to ...

  • wake up each day, eager to work your business?
  • increase your income while working smarter and more efficiently (so you are not “always on”)?
  • avoid doing the same thing over and over and hoping to hit that magical business builder that will change everything for you?

“Sound amazing?

How to know if you’re READY to launch and brand yourself online…”

You’re in the right place if...

  • You are ready to promote to the next level, but want to do it in a balanced way.
  • You want to learn for the first time, how to build a successful network marketing business without making the mistakes you have made with prior attempts.
  • You want to eliminate fear of rejection and procrastination once and for all.
  • You want to be confident to communicate more boldly and lead your team effectively.
  • You want to tap into a source of endless leads.
  • You know the value of building a powerful personal brand online and want to someone who has successfully done it show you the way.
  • You have a successful business, but want to know how to keep your team motivated and reaching their goals.

I’ve created the most effective system to help position yourself & your business online–
to make a 6-figure income without burning out (or selling out).

resultsThe principles and strategies I teach are the sames ones I used in my own business and have coached consultants from dozens of companies.

I consistently see my clients generate amazing results. They discover that online marketing can actually be easy and FUN.

The people who START with my system, even in the very beginning, don’t burn out their market prospecting the wrong way.

So even if you are just getting started marketing online, my system will show you the way, so you get started on the right track. 

If you’re ready to create a sustainable brand that is truest to your heart calling and honors yourself and those with whom you come into contact, then I invite you to join…

The Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula

Here are the outcomes I intend for you to celebrate after completing the Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula…

  • You’re clear about your purpose and the fullest expression of it through the vehicle of your business.
  • You feel a surge of excitement because you finally know how to talk to people about your business in a way you can feel totally great about.
  • You’re confident about HOW you prospect others and this new way of honoring yourself and others deeply.
  • You have the tool to powerfully position yourself and your business so people are pursuing you, eager to work with you.
  • Your Facebook Business Page is done – and it’s so uniquely expresses you and stands out from all the other countless consultants from the same company or in the same industry.
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These results are totally possible for you...

“I finally have confidence and am a new person. What I love about this is the step-by-step formula that you have. I shared with my team how I had tapped into a deeper sense of purpose and they have done a complete 180. I have team members in qualification. I am so excited.”

Watch Ingrid here…

Ingrid Bloom, Arbonne International

Before I started working with Vanessa, I was not clear exactly where my life was headed.  I had a lot of things I wanted to do but wasn't sure where to begin.  I was going through the motions of life feeling empty.  When I lost my job, I knew it was time to take my life back, however I still wans't sure exactly what I wanted to do.

Since working with Vanessa that has all changed.  I have launched my brand, new people keep coming to me from out of the blue, I am able to talk about my business with confidence and every month my volume has been growing!!!

I truly have a sense of purpose now and feel fulfilled.  I am not longer wandering around the world feeling lost and useless!  I am confident about sharing my opportunity and have a concrete message to share!

Watch Giselle here…

Giselle Crouch, Arbonne International

What others are saying about
working with Vanessa:


“I recently had the opportunity to work with Vanessa in a one on one training session. It was empowering! That is not something I say lightly. That was the exact word that came to mind after our time together.

I am a brand partner with Nerium International and they have what I consider to be excellent training on how to grow your business. I came into this business model with very little knowledge of what to do to grow a business and, to be honest, a lack of confidence that I could do it.

Vanessa helped me take what Nerium had taught me and made it more individualized for me. I had learned to share the product, but was really lacking know how on what to say to share the business opportunity. We talked about what I did as a residential mortgage underwriter, which was helping people gain home ownership while following guidelines that were set up by investors. How does this relate to my business?

I have really grown on a personal level through this type of business model and the coaching I have experienced. I am more confident than I ever was in the past.

A friend in Nerium was the one who told me about Vanessa and her coaching. I am so glad that she did!

Vickie Troutt, Nerium International

mary-beth-lozano“I didn’t realize it until working with Vanessa that I was chasing goals that weren’t even in alignment with my deepest values. She helped me clarify that the very thing that I wanted, which was strong relationships within my family, was the very thing I kept sacrificing. She helped me get my life and goals into alignment. My children, my husband, were what drove me to pursue my goals in the first place.

With her urging, I finally stopped long enough to be quiet and ask myself what is most important to me. I finally had the permission to do what I needed and really wanted rather than allowing my life to run on autopilot. It helped me to stand on my own rather than being worried what anyone else thought (including my downline or upline).

Since working with Vanessa, I feel more free and fulfilled than I’ve ever felt. I am feeling empowered in my choices. I am no longer just working with my head down toward a promise or an idea only to reach a point of success and realize I was pursuing a title or position because someone else said it was important. I now know how to balance my life and how to have success that is in alignment to what is most important to me.

Mary Beth Lozano, Arbonne International

Here are the proven stages you learn in
The Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula:

Module 1 – Identify Your Purpose

In this module, you will learn how to…


  • Unveil the most powerful parts of your story to discover your purpose.
  • Live out your purpose so that it inspires and transforms the lives of other by communicating to their needs.
  • Tap into an internal motivational source and show your team how to do the same.
  • Avoid looking and sounding just like all the other “Home-based Business Opportunities”
  • Recruit new reps by knowing what kinds of questions to ask.
  • Get people to ask you about your business and pursuing you.
  • Guaranteed to turn rejection into a thing of the past by using the simple tools that:
    • Increase Engagement.
    • Create an INSTANT KNOW, LIKE & TRUST factor with you.
    • Tap into your prospects emotions.
    • Get them excited to go deeper.
    • Get them excited to take action.

Module 2 - Brand Yourself

your-brand-onlineIn this module, you will learn The Purpose Branding Roadmap™ so that…

  • Prospects are intrigued and excited learn more about you and your business.
  • Taking these simple steps will have you have new leads of people reaching out to you.
  • Know how to create a brand that allows you to expand into multiple income streams all directly tied to your purpose.
  • Eliminate the concern of people asking you if you are doing another company (if you’ve ever done one in the past).

Includes Facebook Branding Secrets

Facebook is a goldmine for new prospects. The largest of social media. And every single day people are checking out your profile. But here’s the big question…Is yours set up properly to ATTRACT your perfect prospect and intrigue them to learn more about you? Or is it hardly evident what makes you so unique.

  • I’ll show the exact things you need both on your personal profile page and on your business page.
  • I’ll show you how to create a couple simple pieces to support your new brand to create excitement.

Check out some of the BEFORE & AFTERS of some of our clients:

Module 3 - Launch Your Purpose-Driven Brand

In this module, you will learn Profit With Honor Launch Formula™

  • How to create a new buzz that will allow you to reengage prior prospects while also…attracting a NEW supply of prospects.
  • A step-by-step guidance on creating your launch plan virtually and in-person.
  • Receive the exact scripts and templates for invitations that create intrigue.
  • How to conduct your launch:
    • How to have the most attendees possible.
    • How to make it convenient for your guests.
    • How to structure the launch.
    • What to say.
    • The absolute additional guest you need as a part of your launch.
    • How to make a powerful call to action.
  • How to duplicate a launch strategy with your team members that allows you to build remotely without having to travel (if you don’t want to).

Module 4 - Connections that Convert

In this module, you will learn The Classy Close™ and…

  • How to powerfully serve and enroll someone who reaches out to you from your launch.
  • What to say to someone when you get them on the phone.
  • Learn how to have prospects say, “I have to work with you!” (This skill in the close will serve you your entire life. One of my top strategies I used in network marketing and also as a coach to have one of the highest closing ratios among my peers.)
  • How to overcome objections and have someone take powerful decisive action to work with you.
  • A closing worksheet that takes away all the guess-work or nervousness about the close. Close with confidence and class.
  • Includes an exact script for walking someone through the close and confidently and effectively overcoming objections so that you have committed business builders who are ready to build strong.

Here is How is It Delivered:

You get to learn the The Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula in 4 convenient virtual training modules. You can access your private membership site 24/7 from your phone, tablet, Mac/PC or laptop, wherever you are in the world.

I’m committed that all the learning styles are served, so the modules are delivered as:

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Slides
  • Written Guides, Templates and Checklists

The downloadable video and audio modules and guidebooks are full of visual aids and easy-to-follow templates and checklists and are available for you to work with at your own pace, whenever you want.

The first training module will be available immediately after you enroll.  The course is designed so you can implement and see results within 30 days or less. All of them can be completed in the course of a weekend if you choose.

Your Exclusive Bonuses:

Time Management Module & Action Guide

  • Finally end the lifestyle of going, going, going.
  • Learn the top two keys to managing your time.
  • An action sheet to determine how you can eliminate the parts of your life that are draining the life out of you and focus on what you love.

Exclusive Facebook Group

  • Join fellow members to ask questions, network and support one another inside our exclusive private Facebook group.
  • Finally be a part of a community of savvy and heart-centered networkers who are successfully growing their businesses.
  • This group will be invaluable to both your personal and professional growth.

3 Live Coaching Q & A Hangouts with Vanessa

  • Participate in live coaching calls via Google Hangout where you may ask questions and get direct input and feedback as you implement the strategies.
  • Live Call Dates:
    • January 3rd 1pm ET
    • January 14th 1pm ET
    • January 27th 1pm ET
  • If you are unable to participate live, send in your questions and we will answer them on the call.

Your Investment?

You deserve a fun, flexible and stress-free solution… and a simple system you can follow to secure your own six-figure income.

I want to make it easy for you to grab with both hands. That’s why during this limited-time… I’m willing to share my Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula with you for a no-brainer enrollment investment, that is a fraction of the costs to normally coach with me.

Total Price $997

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Naturally—that’s a drop in the bucket compared to the financial stresses this proven system can lift off your shoulders.

I’m so confident you’ll see transformation in yourself and the way you conduct business if you apply the principles and steps, I’d like to make your enrollment totally risk-free.


Two Module Money Back Guarantee

After personally testing the very principles and strategies of this program, as well as successfully leading hundreds of entrepreneurs in the industry, I stand behind this program with my whole heart.

I believe in it so much that I am offering you a money back guarantee. But, here’s the deal, I only want to work with individuals who are fully committed, because part of “getting real” is realizing no one can do the inner work nor take the inspired action for you. Nor am I interested in offering another band-aid solution to an industry that is in need of deep healing. This is about helping you create what you really, really want from THE INSIDE OUT. You are investing in YOURSELF.

Let me be really clear. Profit with Honor is not just another how-to program. It’s a game-changing experience that requires your commitment to honoring YOURSELF and coming from a place of SERVICE to others. So, if you just want to “try it out” without taking it seriously, this program is NOT for you.

However, if you enroll in the program and complete all the assignments, and through the second call, you feel that I am not delivering everything I said I would and the program is not a good fit, I will refund your money. However, you will be asked to show proof of completed assignments since the program is only as effective as the effort you put into it.

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james-dently"Vanessa Horn is BY FAR one of the most passionate and prolific speakers, trainers, coaches in the industry. Those titles may seem somewhat cliche as people use them to describe every walk of life these days, but in Mrs. Vanessa Horn’s case you would be hard pressed to find a better person who can DELIVER in all 3 genres.

Her ability to transform who you think you are into what you can become is unmatched! Vanessa has addressed my clients several times and her knowledge of how to create a major breakthrough in your business and in your life is always spot on! No one does it better."

James Dentley, Speaker-Author-Mentor

Founder of NBC University

TRUST your vision to leverage your business and commit to making it REAL.


Your journey starts by getting the right guidance and giving yourself the support you need.



If it is your desire to learn how to do business from a place of honoring yourself and honoring others, with strategies that work, I encourage you to listen to your heart and take inspired and committed action now.

Taking this step will bring you so much closer to making more money and serving more people, while working smarter.

Think about the free time you’ll have after you set the foundation for a strong business with the Profit With Honor Online Launch Formula working for you – how would you like to more fully enjoy your life? Think about the heartache you can save by building it right.

I invite you to say, “Yes!” now from a place of love for the lifestyle you desire, the people you’re here to serve, and the hugely profitable business you’re here to create as a platform for making a difference.

My warmest wishes for your success.

Lots of Love and Beijos,"

Vanessa Horn, MBA
Network Marketing Business Strategist & Coach

P. S. Do you still have questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us at and let us know what questions we may be able to answer for you.

About Vanessa Horn

vanessa-horn-300Vanessa is leading a movement in the network marketing industry. She has a passion to elevate the profession by helping principle-centered and heart-centered individuals rise to the top without losing their friends, family or soul.

Her Profit with Honor Prospecting System is a simple, proven and refreshing way to prospect so that others are pursuing you and are closing themselves.

Learn the proven tools to attracting an endless stream of prospects, closing with class, leading your team with confidence, and setting up proven strategies that allow you to grow your business and make a bigger difference without burning out.

She has successfully built to the top of two network marketing companies while raising 3 young boys, and a husband in the ministry, and now is a sought after industry consultant, speaker and coach to distributors to dozens of companies.

Our Mission

To elevate the way that business is conducted in the network marketing and direct sales industry to a business of honor so that even more lives may be set free and impacted for good.

We teach simple methodologies and systems that are proven to help you be more successful--and not just successfully financially, but successful in all areas of your life, so that you can truly shine.

We believe the business is one of the most powerful platforms for transformation when dedicated to the service of others.